1-21-201.  Procedure generally; jurisdiction extended.
In the trial of civil cases before any circuit court in which the amount claimed, exclusive of costs, does not exceed six thousand dollars ($6,000.00), the procedure is as defined in W.S. 1-21-201 through 1-21-205. The department of revenue may consolidate claims for collection of taxes against a single taxpayer into a single case under the procedures in W.S. 1-21-201 through 1-21-205 subject to specified dollar limitations.
1-21-202.  Commencement of actions; remedy cumulative; continuance to obtain attorney; docketing.
(a)  Actions may be commenced, heard and determined under W.S. 1-21-201 through 1-21-205 if the state, any governmental entity, any natural person, corporation, partnership, association or other organization appears before any circuit court and executes an affidavit reciting the full address of the defendant, the nature of the claim, the amount due and stating that demand has been made and payment refused. The remedy provided by this article is cumulative and not exclusive.
(b)  Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter 5 of Title 33 of the Wyoming Statutes, in small claims court, the state, governmental entities, natural persons, corporations, partnerships, associations or other organizations may litigate actions on behalf of themselves in person or through authorized employees, with or without an attorney, provided that if an attorney appears, the opposing party is entitled to a continuance for the purpose of obtaining an attorney of its own.
(c)  The circuit judge shall docket the case as provided by law.
1-21-203.  Affidavit of claim; service of summons; venue jurisdiction.
(a)  The claimant shall prepare the affidavit as set forth. When the affidavit is executed by the claimant the court shall file the same and have summons served on the defendant in the manner provided by law or, if the defendant resides in the state, service may be made by the court by certified mail addressed to the defendant at his address within the state with return receipt requested. Upon receipt by the circuit judge of the return receipt signed by the defendant or his agent, service is complete.
(b)  Venue provisions in W.S. 1-5-104(b) and 1-5-105 through 1-5-109 apply to actions commenced under this article.
1-21-204.  Time for appearance.
The date of appearance of the defendant as provided in the summons shall be not more than twenty (20) days nor less than twelve (12) days from the date of service of the summons. When the circuit judge has fixed the date for the appearance of the defendant he shall inform the plaintiff of the date and at the same time order the plaintiff to appear with such books, papers and witnesses as necessary to prove his claim.
1-21-205.  Pleading and hearing; execution.
At any hearing the plaintiff and defendant and their witnesses may offer evidence. No formal pleading other than the claim and notice is necessary. The hearing and disposition of the hearing shall be informal. No prejudgment attachment or garnishment shall issue, but execution, including post judgment garnishment in aid of execution, may issue as prescribed by law for circuit court.