Bill No.: HB0095 Drafter: JHR
LSO No.: 10LSO-0274 Effective Date:
Enrolled Act No.: HEA0051
Chapter No.:
Prime Sponsor: Representative Jaggi
Catch Title: Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act-2.
Subject: Creates the Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act in an attempt to exempt specified firearms from federal regulation.
Summary/Major Elements:
· Under current law, firearms are regulated under federal law (Gun Control Act of 1968).
· This bill:
o Creates the Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act;
o Specifies that firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition manufactured, sold, purchased and which remain solely within Wyoming have not entered the stream of interstate commerce and, therefore, are not subject to federal regulation;
o Provides definitions;
o Provides exceptions to the definition of "firearm";
o Specifies requirements for firearms and for persons protected under this act;
o Prohibits a Wyoming public servant or firearms dealer from attempting to enforce any federal regulation relating to a personal firearm, firearm accessory or ammunition covered under this act;
o Creates a criminal offense for a federal agent who enforces or attempts to enforce a federal restriction on a personal firearm, firearm accessory or ammunition covered under this act, and provides a penalty for commission of the offense;
o Authorizes the Wyoming Attorney General to defend a Wyoming citizen who is prosecuted by the federal government for violation of a federal law relating to the manufacture, sale, transfer or possession of a firearm, firearm accessory or ammunition covered under this act;
o Provides legislative declarations and findings in support of this act;
o Repeals a definition of "firearm".
· Popular name: Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act