Campaign finance reporting.





Under this legislation, the $25 penalty for a late filing is deleted.  Therefore, there will be some reduction in revenue.  The reduction will likely be relatively small.  Based on past history, there are generally 6 to 10 late filers after both the primary and general election and 3 to 4 later filers for the off July (July and December) reports.  Therefore we can anticipate a reduction of approximately $200 in late filing fees after the primary election and another $200 after the general election.  We can also estimate a reduction of approximately $100 each for the July and December reporting period in the off election year.  The total estimated reduction in revenue for the biennium would be $600.  There will also possible be some minor decreases in postage since the requirement to give three-day certified notice to late filers is deleted. 





























Prepared by:  Pat Arp, Secretary of State’s Office  Phone:  777-5333