Title 14 revisions.






FY 2004

FY 2005

FY 2006





Anticipated Revenue (Decrease):
















Source of Revenue Decrease: Proposed legislation (14-2-506) prohibits Vital Records from charging to file acknowledgments of paternity.  There is currently a fee of $20 to file an acknowledgment, if the birth certificate is already on file. $15 of the fee goes to the General Fund and $5 goes to the Children’s Trust Fund. About 70 of these acknowledgments are filed each year.







FY 2004

FY 2005

FY 2006





Anticipated Expenditure Increase:









Source of Expenditure Increase: These expenditures will be in the 600 Series object code, grants and aid payments:      Mandated review within child protection placement cases by the juvenile court and expanding opportunities to order continued services in these cases beyond the age of 18 years is projected to require an annual amount of $775,000.  This is projected based upon the number of children (child protection) in placement at 18 years of age and the amount of funds expended between their 17th and 18th birthdays. The number of children over 18 years of age projected to be in court ordered placement is 45.


Assumptions: Projected costs and number of children over 18 years of age is based upon DFS court ordered placement data for the period 11/01/2001 - 10/31/2002.  A three percent increase has been added to years 2005 and 2006.



This bill has administrative impact that appears to increase (or decrease) duties or responsibilities of one or more state agencies and may impact agency spending or staffing requirements.  As introduced, the bill does not modify any state agency budget or current personnel authorizations.  The following state agencies may be affected administratively:


Department of Family Services

Department of Health

Attorney General’s Office

Supreme Court

District Attorney/Judicial District 1

District Attorney/Judicial District 7



Prepared by:     Wendy Madsen, LSO            Phone:  777-7881


(Information provided by:  Lucinda McCaffrey, Department of Health, 777-6040; Les Pozsgi and Donna Sheen, Department of Family Services, 777-5994; Rich Marble, Attorney General, 777-7840; Holly Hansen, Supreme Court, 777-7480; Jeanine DeHoff, Laramie County District Attorney, 633-4451; Susan McCartney, Natrona County District Attorney, 235-9223)