General government appropriations-1.















This bill contains an appropriation of $66,300,126 from the GENERAL FUND.


This bill contains an appropriation of $2,097,185 from the FEDERAL FUNDS.


This bill contains an appropriation of $32,596,712 from the BUDGET RESERVE ACCOUNT.


This bill contains an appropriation of $2,949,188 from the WATER DEVELOPMENT I FUND.


This bill contains an appropriation of $47,292,526 from the SCHOOL CAP CON ACCOUNT.


This bill contains an authorization of 34 Full-Time positions and 1 Part-Time position.


$21,265,000 from previous appropriations to the Budget Reserve Account and GAAP Accounts are deappropriated and transferred to the Permanent Wyoming Mineral Trust Fund.

















Prepared by:   Dean Temte, LSO    Phone:   777-7881