S.F. No. 0097

Wyoming's wildlife.


Sponsored By:                              Senator(s) Roberts and Representative(s) Cooper, Luthi and Olsen


AN ACT relating to wildlife; asserting the state's exclusive jurisdiction over wildlife; prohibiting activities in conflict with that exclusive jurisdiction; imposing specified duties upon the game and fish commission pertaining to wildlife introduced within this state; and providing for an effective date.


1/20/2003         Bill Number Assigned

1/21/2003         S Received for Introduction

1/21/2003         S Introduced and Referred to S06

1/31/2003         S06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass



Ayes:  Senator(s) Boggs, Burns, Hanes and Roberts

Nays:  Senator(s) Goodenough

Ayes 4    Nays 1    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


1/31/2003         S Placed on General File


2/5/2003          S Amendments Considered

SF0097SS001/F     FAILED

Page 1-line 5                                          After "state;" insert "requiring reports;".

Page 2-line 2                                          Delete "this state" insert "Wyoming excluding Yellowstone National Park".

Page 2-line 3                                          Before "the commission" insert "unless otherwise permitted by this act".

Page 2-line 7                                          After "Wyoming" insert "excluding Yellowstone National Park".

Page 2-line 8                                          Delete ";" insert ".".

Page 2-lines 10 through 21                 Delete and renumber.

Page 3-lines 1 through 3                     Delete.

Page 3-line 12                                        After "Wyoming" insert "excluding Yellowstone National Park".

Page 3-line 13                                        Delete ";" insert ".".

Page 3-lines 15 through 23                 Delete.

Page 3-after line 23                               Insert and renumber:

                "Section 2.

                (a)  For the purpose of assuring compliance with the terms of this act:

                                (i)  Not later than September 1, 2003, the commission shall report to the joint travel, recreation and wildlife committee regarding the responsiveness and cooperation of the federal government in enabling the commission in carrying out its duties under this act;

                                (ii)  The attorney general shall prepare a plan considering potential litigation for the state of Wyoming to establish its sole management authority over all species of wildlife within its boundaries excluding Yellowstone National Park and to require the federal government to immediately transfer to the state of Wyoming all responsibility for the management and protection of any and all species of wildlife within the state of Wyoming excluding Yellowstone National Park.  The plan, together with the attorney general's estimate of the potential cost of such litigation, shall be forwarded to the joint travel, recreation and wildlife committee not later than September 1, 2003.  The attorney general shall also include advice regarding which federal areas other than Yellowstone National Park should be excluded from sole management authority by the state of Wyoming.".

Page 4-line 1          Delete "2" insert "3".  ROBERTS, CHAIRMAN


2/5/2003          S Passed CoW


2/6/2003          S Amendments Considered


Page 1-line 5                                          After "state;" insert "requiring reports;".

Page 2-line 2                                          Delete "this state" insert "Wyoming excluding Yellowstone National Park".

Page 2-line 3                                          Before "the commission" insert "unless otherwise permitted by this act".

Page 2-line 7                                          After "Wyoming" insert "excluding Yellowstone National Park".

Page 3-line 12                                        After "Wyoming" insert "excluding Yellowstone National Park".

Page 3-line 13                                        Delete ";" insert ".".

Page 3-lines 15 through 23                 Delete.

Page 3-after line 23                               Insert and renumber:

                "Section 2.

                (a)  For the purpose of assuring compliance with the terms of this act:

                                (i)  Not later than September 1, 2003, the commission shall report to the joint travel, recreation and wildlife committee regarding the responsiveness and cooperation of the federal government in enabling the commission in carrying out its duties under this act;

                                (ii)  The attorney general shall prepare a plan considering potential litigation for the state of Wyoming to establish its sole management authority over all species of wildlife within its boundaries excluding Yellowstone National Park and to require the federal government to immediately transfer to the state of Wyoming all responsibility for the management and protection of any and all species of wildlife within the state of Wyoming excluding Yellowstone National Park.  The plan, together with the attorney general's estimate of the potential cost of such litigation, shall be forwarded to the joint travel, recreation and wildlife committee not later than September 1, 2003.  The attorney general shall also include advice regarding which federal areas other than Yellowstone National Park should be excluded from sole management authority by the state of Wyoming.".

Page 4-line 1                                          Delete "2" insert "3".  BURNS, MOCKLER



Page 2-line 8                                          Delete ";" insert ".".

Page 2-lines 10 through 21                 Delete and renumber.

Page 3-lines 1 through 3                     Delete.  BURNS, MOCKLER


2/6/2003          S Passed 2nd Reading


2/7/2003          S Amendments Considered

SF0097S3001/A     ADOPTED

Page 2-line 11                                        Delete "by all means available".

Page 3-line 1                                          Delete "require and".

Page 3-line 2                                          After "such" insert "detrimental".  SCOTT


2/7/2003          S Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Barton, Boggs, Burns, Caller, Case, Cathcart, Coe, Devin, Erb, Geis, Hawks, Hines, Kunz, Larson, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott and Vasey.

Nays:  Senator(s) Decaria, Goodenough, Hanes, Massie, Mockler and Sessions.

Excused:  Senator(s) Job

Ayes 23    Nays 6    Excused 1    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/10/2003         H Received for Introduction

2/10/2003         H Introduced and Referred to H06

2/24/2003         H06 Recommended Amend and Do Pass



Ayes:  Representative(s) Baker, Edwards, Harshman, Iekel, McMurtrey, Morgan, Powers, Slater and Thompson

Ayes 9    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/24/2003         H Placed on General File


2/25/2003         H Amendments Considered


That Substitute No. 1 for SF 0097ENG DO Pass.  BAKER, CHAIRMAN


2/25/2003         H Passed CoW

2/26/2003         H Passed 2nd Reading

2/27/2003         H Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Representative(s) Alden, Anderson, R., Bagby, Baker, Berger, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, W., Jones, Landon, Latta, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Tipton, Walsh, Wasserburger and Wostenberg.

Nays:  Representative(s) Boswell, Johnson, L., Jorgensen, Reese, Robinson and Warren.

Ayes 54    Nays 6    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/28/2003         S Did Concur



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Barton, Boggs, Burns, Caller, Case, Cathcart, Coe, Decaria, Devin, Erb, Geis, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Kunz, Larson, Meier, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott and Vasey.

Nays:  Senator(s) Goodenough, Job, Massie, Mockler and Sessions.

Ayes 25    Nays 5    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/28/2003         Assigned Number SEA 0046

2/28/2003         S President Signed SEA No. 0046

3/1/2003          H Speaker Signed SEA No. 0046

3/4/2003          Governor Signed SEA No. 0046


Chapter No. 0117  Session Laws of Wyoming 2003.