S.F. No. 0046

Fair share labor law.


Sponsored By:                              Senator(s) Goodenough


AN ACT relating to labor organizations; authorizing labor organizations to bargain with employers for the assessment of fees for required representation under the National Labor Relations Act; imposing conditions; and providing for an effective date.


1/2/2003          Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2003         S Received for Introduction

1/15/2003         S Introduced and Referred to S10


1/29/2003         S10 Motion to Do Pass Failed


Roll Call


Ayes: Senator(s) Massie

Nays: Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Case, Scott

Ayes: 1     Nays: 4     Excused: 0     Absent: 0     Conflicts 0


3/6/2003          Died In Committee