S.F. No. 0026

Employee insurance participation-feasibility study.


Sponsored By:                              Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee


AN ACT relating to health insurance; authorizing a feasibility study to determine ways to improve employee participation and involvement in health care and health insurance decision-making; authorizing management council to assign the feasibility study as specified; providing an appropriation; requiring a report; and providing for an effective date.


12/17/2002        Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2003         S Received for Introduction

1/14/2003         S Introduced and Referred to S10

1/20/2003         S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass



Ayes:  Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Case, Massie and Scott

Ayes 5    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


1/20/2003         S Rereferred to S02

1/29/2003         S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass



Ayes:  Senator(s) Cathcart, Hines, Job and Schiffer

Nays:  Senator(s) Devin

Ayes 4    Nays 1    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


1/29/2003         S Placed on General File


1/30/2003         S Amendments Considered

SF0026SS001/A     ADOPTED

Page 1-line 4                                          After "decision-making;" delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 5                                          Delete line through "specified;".

Page 1-line 15                                        Delete "management council for" insert "service office to procure professional services as necessary to conduct".

Page 4-line 22                                        After "The" delete balance of line and insert "study shall be assigned to a joint subcommittee of the joint appropriations interim committee and the joint labor, health and social services interim committee.".

Page 4-line 23                                        Delete "its discretion."; delete "committee" insert "subcommittee".

Page 4-line 24                                        Delete "management council" insert "joint appropriations interim committee".

Page 5-line 2                                          Delete "September" insert "October".  SCOTT, CHAIRMAN


SF0026SS002/F     FAILED

Page 1-line 5                                          Delete "providing an".

Page 1-line 6                                          Delete "appropriation;".

Page 1-line 13                                        After "(a)" delete balance of line.

Page 1-line 14                                        Delete.

Page 1-line 15                                        Delete the First Senate Standing Committee Amendment (SF0026SS001/A) to this line and further amend as follows:  Delete "management council for"; after "study" insert "shall be conducted".  SCHIFFER, CHAIRMAN


1/30/2003         S Passed CoW


1/31/2003         S Amendments Considered

SF0026S2001/A     ADOPTED

Page 4-after line 20                               Insert and renumber:

                "(vi)  Evaluate the feasibility of adding other governmental entities and private groups to the state employees' and officials' group insurance plan.".  MASSIE


1/31/2003         S Passed 2nd Reading

2/3/2003          S Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Senator(s) Barrasso, Barton, Boggs, Burns, Caller, Case, Coe, Decaria, Goodenough, Hanes, Hawks, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Scott, Sessions and Vasey.

Nays:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Cathcart, Devin, Erb, Geis, Hines, Job, Kunz and Schiffer.

Ayes 21    Nays 9    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/4/2003          H Received for Introduction

2/6/2003          H Introduced and Referred to H10

3/6/2003          H Indefinitely Postponed