S.F. No. 0022

Nursing education.


Sponsored By:                              Joint Labor, Health and Social Services Interim Committee


AN ACT relating to nursing education programs; establishing a Wyoming investment in nursing program as specified; specifying eligibility criteria; providing procedures for application, administration and repayment of loans under the Wyoming investment in nursing program as specified; providing for appeals; requiring the Wyoming community college commission to coordinate the development and implementation of nurse education programs as specified; requiring the commission to coordinate internet or similar proprietary or common carrier electronic system courses to meet prerequisites for entry into nursing programs as specified; specifying conditions under which the Wyoming community college commission and the University of Wyoming shall fund additional teaching positions in nursing education programs; providing for a sunset date; providing appropriations;  and providing for an effective date.


12/9/2002         Bill Number Assigned

1/14/2003         S Received for Introduction

1/14/2003         S Introduced and Referred to S10

1/23/2003         S10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass



Ayes:  Senator(s) Barrasso, Boggs, Massie and Scott

Nays:  Senator(s) Case

Ayes 4    Nays 1    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


1/23/2003         S Rereferred to S02

1/29/2003         S02 Recommended Amend and Do Pass



Ayes:  Senator(s) Devin, Job and Schiffer

Nays:  Senator(s) Cathcart and Hines

Ayes 3    Nays 2    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


1/29/2003         S Placed on General File


1/30/2003         S Amendments Considered


Page 1-line 6                                          After "appeals;" delete balance of line.

Page 1-lines 7 and 8                             Delete.

Page 1-line 13                                        Delete "and the University of Wyoming".

Page 2-line 24                                        Before ";" insert "or in a distance nursing education program at a university that is regionally accredited".

Page 3-line 16                                        Delete "costs" insert "unmet need, as determined by the Wyoming higher education assistance authority or its designee,".

Page 3-line 23                                        Delete "two (2)".

Page 3-line 24                                        Delete "years" insert "one (1) year"; delete ", continuous".

Page 4-line 2                                          Delete "Wyoming".

Page 4-line 4                                          After "nursing" insert "or nursing education".

Page 4-line 5                                          Delete "costs" insert "unmet need"; delete "at the nursing".

Page 4-line 6                                          Delete entirely and insert ", as determined by the Wyoming higher education assistance authority or its designee,".

Page 4-line 15                                        Delete "two (2) years" insert "one (1) year"; delete ", continuous".

Page 4-line 21                                        After "education" insert "or in a distance nursing education program at a university that is regionally accredited".

Page 4-line 22                                        Delete "costs" insert "unmet need"; after "attendance" insert ", as determined by the Wyoming higher education assistance authority or its designee,".

Page 4-line 23                                        Delete.

Page 4-line 24                                        Delete line through "nursing".

Page 6-line 23                                        After "certification" insert "or licensure".

Page 7-line 1                                          After "certification" insert "or licensure".

Page 7-line 4                                          After "certification" insert "or licensure".

Page 7-line 5                                          Delete "appropriate".

Page 7-line 6                                          Delete "certification".

Page 7-line 11                                        Delete "appropriate".

Page 7-line 12                                        Delete "certification".

Page 7-line 16                                        Delete "appropriate certification".

Page 10-line 8                                        Delete "21-17-107,"; after "creating" insert "a".

Page 10-line 9                                        Delete "paragraphs" insert "paragraph"; delete "and (vi)";.

Page 10-lines 12 through 24               Delete.

Page 11-lines 1 through 21                 Delete.

Page 12-lines 6 through 17                 Delete.

Page 12-line 19                                      Delete "(vi)" insert "(v)".

Page 13-line 10                                      Delete "expands" insert "commits to expanding"; after "its" insert "college-funded".

Page 13-line 14                                      After "total" insert "college-funded".

Page 13-line 20                                      After "in the" insert "college-funded".

Page 14-line 22                                      After "appropriated" delete balance of line.

Page 14-line 23                                      Delete.

Page 14-line 24                                      Delete ($2,877,325.00)" insert "one million eight hundred seventy-three thousand dollars ($1,873,000.00)".

Page 15-line 5                                        After "shall" insert "not".

Page 15-line 8 through 23                   Delete entirely and insert:

"(b)  There is appropriated from the general fund to the Wyoming community college commission one million three hundred thirteen thousand dollars ($1,313,000.00) for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 2003 to implement the purposes of W.S. 21-18-202(c)(vii) and (viii).".  SCOTT, CHAIRMAN



Page 10-line 9                                        Delete "a".

Page 10-line 10                                      Delete "paragraph" insert "paragraphs"; after "(vii)" insert "and (viii)".

Page 14-After line 4                             Insert:

"(viii)  Subject to appropriation by the legislature and an increase in the academic year enrollment in a community college's registered nurse program of at least sixteen (16) registered nurse candidates in comparison to its college-funded enrollment at the beginning of the previous academic year enrollment, the commission shall provide the funding necessary for the community college to increase the base salary and benefits for nurse educators authorized by W.S. 21-18-202(c)(vii) by twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00) and adjust the pay and benefits for each current nurse educator at the community college by twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00).  Any appropriation made for purposes of this paragraph shall, in accordance with W.S. 21-18-202(c)(i), be accounted for and distributed separately from the funding allocation model for the community colleges.".  SCOTT, CHAIRMAN


SF0022SS002/A     ADOPTED

Page 14-line 24                                      Delete the First Senate Standing Committee Amendment (SF0022SS001/A) to this line and further amend as follows:  Delete "($2,877,325.00)" insert "five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000.00)".

Page 15-lines 8 through 23                 In the First Senate Standing Committee Amendment (SF0022SS001/A) to these lines, in subsection (b), delete "one million three hundred thirteen thousand dollars ($1,313,000.00)" insert "seven hundred thirty-seven thousand dollars ($737,000.00)".  SCHIFFER, CHAIRMAN


1/30/2003         S Passed CoW

1/31/2003         S Passed 2nd Reading


2/3/2003          S Amendments Considered

SF0022S3001/A     ADOPTED

Page 2-line 13                                        After "Applicants" insert "shall be residents of this state or graduates of a Wyoming high school and".  MASSIE, BOGGS, DEVIN


2/3/2003          S Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Barton, Boggs, Burns, Caller, Case, Coe, Decaria, Devin, Erb, Geis, Goodenough, Hanes, Hawks, Job, Kunz, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions and Vasey.

Nays:  Senator(s) Cathcart and Hines.

Ayes 28    Nays 2    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/4/2003          H Received for Introduction

2/5/2003          H Introduced and Referred to H10

2/13/2003         H10 Recommended Amend and Do Pass



Ayes:  Representative(s) Boswell, Gilmore, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, McMurtrey, Miller, D., Osborn and Robinson

Ayes 9    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/13/2003         H Placed on General File

2/13/2003         H Rereferred to H02

2/20/2003         H02 Recommended Do Pass



Ayes:  Representative(s) Jones, Jorgensen, Meuli, Nicholas, Philp, Reese and Tipton

Ayes 7    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/20/2003         H Placed on General File


2/24/2003         H Amendments Considered


Page 3-line 18                                        After "program" insert "or a baccalaureate degree program in nursing".

Page 11-line 2                                        After "," delete balance of the line insert "the general education". 

Page 11-line 3                                        Delete "entry into" insert "completion of".

Page 11-line 12                                      Delete "an entry level" insert "a".

Page 11-line 24                                      Delete "entry level"; after "teaching" insert "faculty".  OSBORN, CHAIRMAN


2/24/2003         H Passed CoW


2/25/2003         H Amendments Considered


Page 3-line 5                                          After "assistance" insert "and any employer-based financial assistance for which the applicant may be eligible".

Page 5-line 12                                        After "grant" insert "and any employer-based financial assistance".

Page 13-line 7                                        Before "Any" insert "The funds appropriated under this subsection shall be provided in an equitable proportion to meet the unmet financial needs of both  undergraduate and post-graduate students in nursing programs.".  SIMPSON, CHILDERS


2/25/2003         H Passed 2nd Reading


2/26/2003         H Amendments Considered


Page 13-line 16                                      Delete "and (viii)".  IEKEL, LANDON



Page 6-line 16                                        After "enrollment" insert ", or twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00) of the loan, whichever is less".  LANDON


2/26/2003         H Passed 3rd Reading



Ayes:  Representative(s) Alden, Bagby, Berger, Boswell, Brechtel, Buchanan, Bucholz, Childers, Cohee, Cooper, Diercks, Edwards, Esquibel, Gentile, Gilmore, Hageman, Harshman, Harvey, Hinckley, Iekel, Illoway, Jansen, Johnson, L., Johnson, W., Jones, Jorgensen, Landon, Law, Lockhart, Luthi, Martin, McMurtrey, McOmie, Meuli, Meyer, Miller, D., Morgan, Nicholas, Olsen, Osborn, Parady, Petersen, Philp, Powers, Prosser, Reese, Robinson, Ross, Semlek, Simpson, Slater, Thompson, Tipton, Walsh, Warren and Wasserburger.

Nays:  Representative(s) Anderson, R., Baker, Latta and Wostenberg.

Ayes 56    Nays 4    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/27/2003         S Did Concur



Ayes:  Senator(s) Anderson, J., Barrasso, Barton, Boggs, Burns, Caller, Case, Cathcart, Coe, Decaria, Devin, Erb, Geis, Goodenough, Hanes, Hawks, Hines, Job, Kunz, Larson, Massie, Meier, Mockler, Northrup, Peck, Roberts, Schiffer, Scott, Sessions and Vasey.

Ayes 30    Nays 0    Excused 0    Absent 0    Conflicts 0


2/27/2003         Assigned Number SEA 0042

2/27/2003         S President Signed SEA No. 0042

2/27/2003         H Speaker Signed SEA No. 0042

3/3/2003          Governor Signed SEA No. 0042


Chapter No. 0090  Session Laws of Wyoming 2003.