JAC Index 01-19-18 pm Chairman Burns is chairman of the day Agenda: PM Section 300 Budget Balancers SIPA 1/19/2018 1:07:28 PM Numbers: GF $112.4M; $81.6M shortfall, school capital construction, revenues come in over time. Borrowing authority still needed, effective immediately requests $38M, SIPA 18 months from now, PLF used as a backstop or other various accounts can be used, LSRA balance $1.326B Governor , spent $236m, #37.5M, JAC spent $ 1.318B - $139M, $105M $37.5M placeholder Burns: SIPA Richards: FY 18 SIPA appropriated, $24.2M leftover, $88.1M total , $20M state health facilities, UW science $12M Casper state office building, pay off of state capital, $20M capital fund use #4 priority, FY 19/20 profiling $92.4M FY 19; $95M FY 20; $10M/year for the prison building fund, $82.4M un-accessed, first year, $85M in FY 20 un-accessed ; Discussion: motion to increase Casper state office FY18 $3M from state capital fund, , second, motion passes, motion $17M put in a state construction reserve account available for state construction projects as approved by the Governor, second, motion passes, proposal for school facilities $4.2m motion take $4.2M from SIPA, second, motion passes, SIPA 18 reserve of $17M, balance of funds motion passes, SIPA 19/20, $10M each/year, flow chart permanent mineral trust fund; tips into various other pots, move ENDOW funds in to SIPA 19,clarification/discussion/math on good years vs bad years, Motion passes guaranteeing SIPA 19 and 20. Put ENDOW into SIPA, second, motion passes, ½ of the $86M pay half with SIPA 19 and half with school foundation dollars GF, second, motion passes 1/19/2018 2:01:41 PM Discussion: ENDOW money needed, $37.5M ENDOW, uses of ENDOW listed, motion integrated system set aside for the DOH $3M, SIPA 19 remainder and $2M SIPA 20, second, change motion $6M from GF instead of SIPA, motion passes, motion add $2M to ENDOW for Wyoming Grown, SIPA 19, second, motion passes, motion from SIPA 20 broadband, ENDOW, add $2M to broadband program, second, motion fails, motion SIPA 20, for UW athletics, west stadium, 2-1 match $15M, seconded, motion fails, motion $2M broadband investment SIPA 20 ENDOW , second, heart of state, motion amendment direct funds to business council, motion fails SIPA is closed 1/19/2018 2:30:57 PM Break 1/19/2018 2:58:38 PM Section 300’s Section 305c retiree health insurance ; amendment funding source from retiree health insurance fund vs GF, .6% of payroll only for this biennium, second, don’t make the deposits for this biennium –translation, reduce all funds, save GF $6M, second, motion passed Borrowing authority for school capital construction, $25M from LISRA, second, amendment takes from common school permanent land fund account, second, motion passes Extend replacement schedule, bulk purchasing through ETS, K-12 buy in bulk, reduce software/hardware by a percentage, make all purchases through ETS, matter of cooperation, accountability, second, motion passes Quarterly reporting on Title 25 expenditures; task force, synopsize what’s been done, reciprocating state agencies involved, increasing or decreasing, second, motion passes 50 FTEs reduction , 25 done by July 1, 2019, UW, CCs or Judicial exempt, super-flex authority to Governor, admin personnel not field personnel, or program cuts reduce size of state government, $3.75M savings, second, proportion amounts given for exempted agencies, semi-annual, motion passes Coal lease bonus distribution, $9.1B over 3 agencies/programs, over that amount go to SFRA vs school capital construction account, second, motion passes JAC funding ENDOW matching at higher Ed institutions – no interest Action on budget balancers, revenue enhancements Global reduction on all exception requests – no interest Fully funded school capital construction, PWMTF -$128M, GF balance $69.4M end of 19/20 biennium Motion remove SIPA 20 guarantee, tying up money, second, motion passes 1/19/2018 3:41:40 PM LSRA $244.6M Motion - Move $400K for supreme courts security from GF $’s, second, motion passes Revenue raisers –committee have any desire to bring any additional bills for school revenue, agency focus, more discussion on revenue raisers and K-12 budget Motion to create matching fund for state veterans’ museum, 1 for 1 match, $5M to be matched, not released until is raised, second, opportunity to grow museum, use SIPA 19 funds, $2M motion fails CapCon school facilities, rolled into budget bill, approved select committee recommendations, amendment to take $10M from 17’s component projects for LSD#1 combined with $20M SE WY for construction of school building, any remaining funds complete build/design and build of Carey JH approve construction of said facility, make $34M school capital construction to LCSD#1 to build Carey JH, second, 2 mercer studies done, motion passes Motion to authorize staff to make technical corrections and conforming language, second, motion passes 1/19/2018 4:13:31 PM Adjourned