JAC Agency Hearings JAC Index 01-08-18 pm1 Tuesday January 9, 2018 Agenda: PM 038 – Pari-Mutuel Commission State Lottery Commission 024 – State Parks and Culture Resources 040 – Game and Fish 1/9/2018 12:34:21 PM 038 – Pari-Mutuel Commission, Charles Moore, Director, Chris Walsh, investigator, introduced others on staff, overview of commission, went through handout 038-124, TruesDale labs in CA, $50/sample for horse tests, advance deposit wagering – set up an account with location, then bet off amount, done from home, discussion about players not going through state locations, how much was bet through state, over $1M, explanation of WY horse breeding and running and payoff to owners, WY bred horse has to be domiciled in WY, WY has become a popular venue for horse races, discussion of size of WY program vs. surrounding states, return to state has been significant, distributions discussed, explanation of returns, admin revenue $199K in Dec, report on breakdown of equivalents around the country, timeframe of putting betting locations into place, lengthy process, purchased vs. leased locations, pg. 8 exception requests, county disbursement, pg. 14, contract professional services, pg. 15 PR #5, #6, pg. 16 PR #7 Sommers: wages question, send a breakdown Moore: pg. 17, PR 9, pg. 18 PR #10 and 11 Nicholas: finding money for state Moore: large monetary reserve, expanded staff, requested to retain biennium budget and look at any excess to other funds, enterprise fund over $4M Walsh: investigator, checked tracks for suitability and use, reserve funds could be used to upgrade tracks owned by cities and counties Nicholas: enterprise account growth rate, take money to assist other funds w/I state, facilitating expansion of operation, bills forthcoming, statutory changes, Moore: pg. 12 of budget book 1/9/2018 2:03:46 PM Break 1/9/2018 2:23:58 PM State Lottery Commission – Jon Clontz, CEO, Robin Reining, COO, Loy Jackson, CFO, refer to handout 999-133 Sommers: Lottery vendor question, retailer % neighboring state comparison, operating expenses also Clontz: lowest rate around for contract, negotiated 11.9%, decent rate, have decreased marketing efforts as games become more familiar, board is appointed by the governor Kaufman: legal counsel for lottery Clontz: pg. 5 of handout, standard payouts for instate higher % to garner more players Reining: explaining pg. 3 vs pg. 5, pg. 6 and 7 operating expenses for 2018, send a breakdown of salaries to Chairman Nicholas, pg. 7 Clontz: lottery saturation point discussion, put games in to attract more players, Keno coming in the future possibly Reining: pg. 8, pg. 9 Clontz: pg. 10 salaries, pg. 11, pg. 12, pg. 13 Nicholas: discussion of admin caps, growth Clontz: growth, feedback, oversight and problem gambling – corporate responsibility, partner with WDH, debit cards as cash 1/9/2018 3:45:33 PM Concluded Lottery/Break 1/9/2018 3:57:04 PM 024 – State Parks and Culture Resources, Darin Westby, Director, introduced staff, mission overview, pg. 4, summary budget, pg. 6, 7, 8 department priorities, pg. 9 and 10, exception requests, 18, pg. 12 – 20, division 100, increase 1 FTE, pg. 14 computer replacement, 7 years old Nicholas: should have changed out computers prior to 7 years Westby: pg. 15, webserver conversion, moving positions, pg. 17 pg. 21 – 59 Cultural Resources, pg. 22/23, one time request $300K, pg. 26/28, one time request $150K, gov’s rec deny, pg. 29 privatizing the museum store, pg. 36, unit 0216, net to zero position moves, pg. 41/42, spending authority cultural trust fund grants, pg. 45, 320 reduction, pg. 46 SHPO admin, 320 position, pg. 60, state parks and historic sites, outdoor rec website Bravo: outdoor rec website uses, serving the customer Westby: pg. 63, outdoor rec task force, self-funding in the future, user fees Dockstader: plan of priorities within communities Bravo: communities are excited and want to help expand and move forward with this effort Driskill: task force good idea, outstanding initiative for WY as a mecca for outdoor rec Westby: pg. 64, outdoor rec positions, moved positions into new section no new requests, one time request, gov’s rec deny, pg. 69/71, pg. 65 net to zero position moves, motor boat gas tax, pg. 71/72, pg. 76/77 net to zero positions moves, pg. 78, increase spending authority on snowmobile program, trails increase mileage for snowmobile trails, pg. 86, Quebec 1 MAF funding for operations, gap funding, visitor anticipation 50K first year, pg. 87 vets trail crew/Wyo CCC, pg. 88/89 net to zero moves, pg. 95 state parks maintenance, spending authority 1/9/2018 5:19:52 PM Concluded/Break 1/9/2018 5:33:50 PM 040 – Game and Fish, Scott Talbot, Director, John Kennedy, Deputy, Meredith Wood, CFO, fee increases, go into effect this year, hunting interest increased significantly, forensics lab, $3M allocation from JAC, occupancy plan for July 2018, on time and a little under budget, wolves harvested count, big horn sheep herd near Dubois, Pittman dollars into a fund to draw interest, matching funds, have done so with other fund dollars Wood: CFO refer to handout 040 -069, change slide #4 license fees are $42.55M and Fed aid is $24.4M, the total remains the same Talbot: aquatic invasive species efforts are successful, inspection program good Wood: fish division is up from last year Sommers: regulating number of guided fishing boats on rivers, creel limits, pole limits, etc. Talbot: consideration given to over saturating areas Schwartz: catch and release fishing, data on fish mortality Talbot: have studies on fish mortality Wood: pg. 5, wildlife division, biggest division, pg. 6 expenditures by species 1/9/2018 6:14:53 PM Concluded Game and Fish 1/9/2018 6:15:14 PM Draft Bill 18LSO-0115 Tamara Rivale, staff attorney, pg. 2 struck items, pg. 3 conforming language, mandating programs, leave it in 302 or move it into 130, put there to leave a legislative history, maintains the status quo Talbot: originally in to request GF dollars Bill moved and seconded, Nicholas moved to strike lines 6 – 12, pg. 3 pg. 1 remove line 3, fix line 10, second, amendment passed, roll call vote taken, SF, motion passes. 1/9/2018 6:24:59 PM Concluded G & F 1/9/2018 6:27:36 PM Adjourned